Gossip Girl is an American TV show which ran on The CW from 2007-2012. This drama is based upon the story of the book which was written by Cecily von Ziegesar. There were six seasons of the show in total. The drama is based upon the adult’s lives at the Manhattan's Upper East Side in New York City. The drama is based upon two school going girls, Serena and Blair. Both of them are best friends and Serena is living in the boarding. Blair has been considered as a queen girl of the school and is in a relationship with Nate from long period of time. Chuck is another character of the drama who is the best friend of Nate. The relationship between Blair and Nate was rocking but when Serena entered the school, everything went change.
The drama was scene
by the viewers outside the New York as well. It gets different nominations as
well as awards. Gossip girl achieved 18 Teen Choice Awards. There were six
seasons of the drama, the last season was presented in an innovative manner and
was consisted of 10 episodes. Firstly, these book series were going to be
shaped as a movie but then Stephanie and Josh created one of the best TV series
in the form of Gossip Girl.
Cast was required for
different roles in the drama. There were nine major roles in the drama which
had to work on the regular basis. The role of Blair and Serena was given to Leighton
Meester and Blake Lively respectively. These two actresses were chosen at very
first and then other actors were casted. Other people working in the drama are Penn
Badgley, Taylor Momsen, Chace Crawford, Kelly
Rutherford, Connor Paolo, Margaret
Colin, Chuck Bass, Rufus
Humphrey as well as Westwick along with Matthew
Settle etc. Jessica Szohr was casted for the first season
and she worked regularly for 14 episodes. Many of the characteristic worked for
more than one seasons. Connor Paolo worked continuously for Gossip Girl but
after becoming famous at ABC series Revenge, Paolo left Gossip Girl in
2011. The drama longed for 5 years so large number of stars worked and left it.
Lots of faces were seen in the drama except the major roles. The drama was
filmed at the major cities of world including New York, Paris, France and Saint-Germain-des-Prés etc. Some
of the shots were taken at the Museum of the City of New York.
One of the episodes of last season was recorded at the Columbia University but the portrayal of
the admissions process and reliance on Ivy League university stereotypes
were shown in the drama which made the people unhappy. All other locations were
in New York. The drama became famous all over the world and was highly rated
one. The episodes of the drama are uploaded at YouTube and other websites. It
is one of the most popular American dramas which includes love, romance and is
worth watching.