Shah Rukh Khan thanked Salman Khan for advancing his film on reality show 'big boss'. saying it displays that there are no issues between one another.
Shah Rukh khan said,
"I think its incredibly liberal of him to have done that. I thank him for the sake of all that is blessed because it similarly degrades the way that when people talk about issues between entertainers we don't have any complexity,"
In Kolkata to development his latest release happy New Year the 48 years old on-screen character said wherever there is a stage they examine each other's work and development it in the way that is accessible.
On a weekend ago's scene of 'Bigg Boss', Salman had advanced the film by doing a little gig for SRK and he had even tweeted about the motion picture.
'Upcoming New Year' chief Farah Khan said Salman has dependably been their companion.
"He has been greatly enabling and he esteems the distraction of my group movies, motion pictures,"Farahkhan said.
The two superstars who had an open drop out in 2008 are at present seen to be giving positive vibes and truly regarding one another at social events.